A complete guide to assembling system units. How to assemble a computer yourself from components

Build your own computer- This is an excellent opportunity to choose computer components in accordance with your individual requirements and preferences. In addition, this allows you to save a considerable amount of money and get exactly what you need, with all the necessary characteristics, without overpaying for assembly and without once again enriching large and not very large office equipment stores, which often sin by “stuffing” cheap components into expensive, sophisticated ones. body and selling it at triple the price.

This article will take you step by step build your own computer, which will be maximally adapted to your personal needs.

Off-the-shelf desktop computers are often not configured to suit a specific customer's needs. It also happens that the computer being sold has a good configuration, but is overvalued in terms of cost. A finished computer may also satisfy you with almost everything, except for one component. This may not even be related to the functional side of the computer, but to the aesthetic one. For example, you may not like the case of the system unit.

On the other hand, by carefully selecting each component of your system, you are not only free to choose components from various manufacturers, but also assemble a computer at a much lower price. You don't have to worry about the warranty. This is an argument that many sellers of finished computers like to make in order to scare inexperienced buyers. By purchasing electronic components separately, you also receive a warranty for each of them, and if any hardware problem arises, you can easily fix it by replacing one or another component under warranty. However, I hasten to reassure you that such problems are quite rare, modern computer components are very reliable, so the likelihood of their failure is quite low. Later in the article we will get acquainted with some technical information regarding individual components and manufacturers of computer components; it will help you in selecting them and assembling a computer with your own hands.

Selecting components to build a computer

Below are descriptions of the computer components you will need to purchase to build your computer. If you have no questions regarding the choice of components for the system unit, you know what it costs and why, or everything has already been purchased and is waiting in the wings, then you can move on to the second part of the article - directly to. But if you don’t fully understand something and have any questions or doubts, it’s better to read this material again so that you can ultimately choose what you really need, assemble a computer with your own hands, and not overpay.

Let's consider the composition of the system unit, what will we assemble it from? First of all, this is the processor itself, which we will install on the motherboard. The motherboard, in turn, is the foundation of the computer, where, in addition to the processor, RAM, sound and video cards are installed. Below we will look at how to choose both the “motherboard” and other components.

What, in fact, the “thought process” itself takes place in is the computer’s RAM.

An optical disk drive is designed for reading information from laser disks of various formats. Whether to equip a system unit with it or not is a purely personal matter, it all depends on your goals, objectives, and capabilities. Alternatively, the operating system can be installed using a bootable USB flash drive, and drivers, programs and games can be downloaded on the Internet.

The power supply sometimes comes with the case, but when assembling the computer yourself, it is better to take it separately. Its main characteristic is output power.

And, finally, such devices that belong to the computer, but are not part of the system unit: monitor, mouse, keyboard, uninterruptible power supply (which you can do without, but not advisable).

Processor, motherboard and RAM

Processor speed is important. A powerful processor ensures high speed of the computer. If you are going to play computer games or use design programs, then you need a processor with a clock speed of at least 2 GHz and at least 2 GB of RAM. It is better if these two indicators are higher. Some extreme computer games are very resource-intensive, so you should be prepared to buy a powerful processor, a representative of the high-end AMD or Intel line. Pay attention to such a parameter as cache memory, it works on approximately the same principle as RAM, only much faster and directly affects the speed of the processor. It will be great if its volume is 3 MB or higher. Processors can be supplied in a BOX configuration, which is when it is already equipped with a cooler, or OEM, in which case you will have to buy a cooling system for the processor separately, however, they are relatively inexpensive and available, so this should not be a problem for you.

Read more here: How to choose a processor for your computer>>>


The motherboard is the “foundation” of the computer. Today, several manufacturers are leaders in quality and price: Gigabyte, Asus, Msi, Foxconn, AsRock. Plus, if you are assembling a powerful gaming computer, it is advisable to take an ATX format motherboard, because it has a larger number of slots and connectors, it is more convenient to install and install, and accordingly, you can attach more different things to it.

Before purchasing a motherboard for the computer you are building, make sure that the processor you choose is compatible with it. Pay attention to the socket (socket for installing a processor), it should be similar to the processor socket, otherwise the “stone” will have to be placed on the “mother” with a hammer, and this is not good. Also pay attention to whether it has all the necessary slots and connectors.

More details here: How to choose a motherboard>>>


RAM is now common in two types: DDR2 and DDR3. DDR2 is already outliving its allotted time, it is being replaced by the faster DDR3, and DDR4 is on its way. Motherboards can support one or both types. But it’s better to install the same type of RAM, of course. The principle is simple - the larger the volume, the better. And, as has been said more than once, for a modern home computer you need at least 2GB.

Even more here: How to choose RAM>>>

Video card

A good graphics card will give you excellent image quality, and is a must for those who will work with graphics or use a DIY computer for computer games. Nvidia and AMD are the most famous brands. Other manufacturers - insofar as. However, it will be extremely difficult for you to “run into” an unscrupulous manufacturer. The fact is that very few people can afford to develop video chips. The vast majority of video card manufacturers use technology and produce their products through licensing from giant manufacturers.

The meaning of the choice here is the same as with RAM - the larger the volume of the video card’s own RAM and its frequency, the more sophisticated toys it will handle. For games, RAM should be at least 1GB; for office, 512MB is enough (or you can get by with the video core built into the processor). No less important is the frequency of the video processor itself (from 600 MHz and higher) and the data bus bandwidth (at least 128 bit).

You can find out more here: How to choose a video card>>>

Hard drive, or hard drive, also known as HDD

In order not to rack our brains about what is more important to us, performance, volume or something else, it is best to install at least two hard drives on your computer. One hard drive with a high rotation speed of 7200-10000 rpm for the operating system (they are currently being replaced by solid-state SSD drives), and a second hard drive with a speed of at least 5400-7200 rpm for storing files. It is recommended to opt for models with a rotation speed of 7200. They optimally combine access speed and moderate heating.

The primary purpose of a hard drive is long-term data storage. Accordingly, you need to choose its capacity depending on how much of this data you are going to store on it. If you are a movie fan and have a large collection of films, especially if the films are in HD format, then the larger the hard drive capacity, the better. Currently, prices for hard drives have dropped significantly. You can buy a 1TB hard drive quite cheaply. Moreover, the cost of storing 1GB of information decreases significantly with an increase in the total volume of the selected hard drive. When choosing a hard drive, pay attention to such a characteristic as the amount of buffer memory. Currently, models with a buffer of 16, 32 and 64 MB are mainly presented. It is preferable to opt for the latter. Also make sure that you buy a SATA3 type hard drive from a good manufacturer and with a warranty provided, this will allow you to repair or replace it free of charge in case of problems.

More details about How to choose a hard drive>>>


The choice of case will depend on your aesthetic preferences. Some cases come with a pre-installed power supply. If you choose such a case, make sure that the output power of the power supply is sufficient to connect all the necessary system components.

How to choose a computer case >>> read here.

power unit

The best solution would be to purchase a power supply with an uninterruptible power supply (UPS). In any case, you take a case with a built-in power supply or purchase them separately.

But, in any case, the main characteristic of the power supply is the total output power, going through several buses with different voltages. The main bus is the one that produces 12V. In addition to it, there are buses with voltages of 3V and 5V, but the main attention should be paid to the main bus. And the total power of the power supply for all outputs should be 40-50 percent greater than the total power consumed by all components of the system unit, which will make it possible for future independent upgrades of the computer without replacing the power supply with a more powerful one. Well, pay attention to the number of connectors and the length of the cables (at least 45-50 cm), especially if the power supply is located at the bottom.

An article about how to choose a power supply>>>

Optical DVD drive

When purchasing a DVD drive, pay attention to the writing and reading speed; the higher the performance, the better. It is advisable that the drive belongs to a well-known brand, for example, Sony, Pioneer, Samsung, they provide good performance and long service life. It is highly undesirable to purchase a CD-ROM, non-writing DVD drive and other outdated components. However, it is quite difficult to find them on sale now. But prices for Blu-Ray recorders are gradually decreasing, so that they will soon displace DVD drives from store shelves.

About how How to choose an optical drive>>>

And, briefly, about choosing additional accessories for self-assembling a home computer.


There are a huge number of models to suit every taste. If you plan to type a lot, take a closer look at models with a pyramid layout; your hands will not get tired as quickly as with keyboards with a regular layout.
If you are a gamer or music lover, then choose keyboards with special buttons that add additional functionality. This provides additional convenience to music lovers and gamers, while simultaneously increasing the price of such a device.

Learn more about How to choose a keyboard>>>



When choosing a mouse, you need to be guided by approximately the same characteristics as when choosing a keyboard. The main thing is convenience. For some users, the appearance of the device will also be important. Some mice have additional buttons that allow, for example, controlling the browser and the speed of cursor movement on the screen. The mouse should optimally fit the size and shape of your palm. These parameters should be decisive for you when choosing and purchasing this device.

Read more about How to choose a mouse for your computer>>>



The cost of the monitor will depend on the size of its diagonal and resolution. Accordingly, the greater these two indicators, the higher the price. It is desirable that the diagonal be at least 17 inches. However, if you are purchasing a computer for work, then you should not chase too large a diagonal. Large screens are more suitable for a multimedia computer. Resolution determines the clarity of the image. Decide how important it is for you and, based on this, choose a monitor model. And lastly, when purchasing a monitor, pay attention to which port(s) is used to connect to the motherboard. The sockets must match each other. Although there are various adapters on sale, it is still better to initially select components that suit each other.

A computer, like a construction set, consists of several boards and devices. If you know the purpose of each of them, you can build your own supercomputer. Assembling a computer along with installing the operating system can take from 1 hour to 3 hours if all the parts and necessary software are available. We will tell you how to quickly and easily cope with this simple task.

Materials and tools:

  • Phillips screwdriver or screwdriver
  • Computer case
  • Motherboard
  • Processor with special hot melt adhesive
  • Sound card (can be built into the motherboard)
  • Video card (can be built into the motherboard)
  • RAM
  • Winchester (HDD)
  • Keyboard
  • Power adapter (pilot)
  • Monitor
  • The minimum required software is an operating system (Windows, Linux...) and often a text editor (Microsoft office, Open office...) is required for work.

Attention - when assembling a computer, follow the rules for working with electrical appliances, as well as the instructions included with the parts.

Computer selection:

  • Decide what tasks the computer will perform. The cost of a computer directly depends on the complexity of the functions assigned to it. To work in the World and Excel office applications, an inexpensive office computer is enough for you. To work with graphic applications and for games, you will need a powerful and expensive computer.
  • When purchasing parts for a future computer, check with the seller whether certain parts are compatible with each other. All parts, first of all, must be compatible with the computer case and motherboard.

Computer assembly instructions:

1. Prepare a Phillips screwdriver or screwdriver and clear the area for assembling the computer.

2. Let's start assembling with the body. Depending on the housing design, remove the side housing cover or the overall housing cover. At the same time, the empty space of the case will open to you.

3. Lay the computer on its side so that it is convenient for you to insert the necessary spare parts into it.

4. Open the package from the motherboard - this is the largest board from the computer. All devices of your computer are connected to the motherboard and install the motherboard on the inner side of the computer, so that the connectors located on the end of the board fit into the rear holes of the computer case. And the internal connectors looked inward.

5. Attach the motherboard to the computer case.

6. Remove the processor from the packaging and carefully, strictly according to the instructions included in the kit, insert it into the motherboard connector. Using the special glue included with the processor, firmly glue the cooler (fan) to the processor.

7. Now install the power supply into the computer case.

8. Screw the required number of screws onto the outside of the housing.

9. Connect power to the motherboard.

10. Insert the hard drive into the case.

11. Connect the hard drive to the motherboard. Two cables - one power cable, and the second for exchanging information with the motherboard.

12. Insert the CD-ROM from the front of the case.

13. From the inside of the case, connect it to the motherboard. Plug one end of the cable into the CD-Rom socket, and plug the other end into the motherboard.

14. Now you need to connect power to the CD-Rom

15. Similarly, you can connect other devices to the computer (Floppy drive, another CD-Rom). The number of connected devices is limited by the number of corresponding ports and cables on the computer.

16. In accordance with the instructions, using the included wires, connect the motherboard with additional connectors (Audio, USB...)

17. If you have an “external” video card, break off the protective insert on the computer case opposite the corresponding slot on the computer case.

18. Insert the motherboard into the dedicated slot

19. If you are going to remove it, do not forget that when you inserted the video card, the board snapped into place. Therefore, before disconnecting the video card, remove the fuse

20. In the same way, you can connect other devices - in this case, a modem is connected.

21.Insert the RAM card or cards into the appropriate slots on the motherboard. To do this, move the fuses to the sides and carefully insert the board into place. Be careful when doing this, because... The notch in the middle of the RAM should line up with the bulge of the slot on the mother memory. Press the RAM evenly and it will snap into the mother memory slot.

22. Close the computer case.

23. Well, it looks like we have assembled the main part of the computer, now all that remains is to connect the peripherals and power. To do this, connect external devices to the appropriate ports. These ports are located on the back of your personal computer.

24. Plug in the green socket - the green plug from your speakers or headphones. If you connect a microphone, you will need to connect it to the pink socket.

25. If you have a local network, then connect the network cable to the appropriate socket

26. Connect the computer to the monitor; to do this, plug a wire with a large blue plug into the special connector on the computer. If your computer has a built-in motherboard, then you can easily guess where to connect this cord. And if there are two video cards, i.e. one is built-in, and the second is additional, then plug the cord into the additional video card, now it will process graphics.

27. You need to plug the other end of this wire and the power wire into the monitor.

28. Now connect the power cable to the computer's power supply - its plug is located at the back and top of the case. Move the switch from position (0) to position (-), the same may need to be done with the monitor.

29. Plug the computer and monitor power cables into the power adapter

30. On the front of the case, press the large button

32. If the message appears on the monitor, then you have successfully assembled your computer!

33. Now you have to install the operating system and other programs necessary for operation.

Probably every more or less advanced user has wondered how to assemble a computer themselves. It's cheaper and more reliable. And every second person drove this thought away from himself, because he thought that the process of assembling a computer on his own was very difficult. But don’t be afraid of difficulties, especially since the step-by-step instructions described in the article will help you overcome your fear. Moreover, modern computer components are equipped with a protection system. Each component can be installed in the only correct way; it will not work any other way. As the saying goes: “Fear has big eyes.” So let your eyes be afraid and your hands do the work.

First, let's talk about the benefits of building a computer yourself. The most important thing is that you will know for sure that your computer has completely new, high-quality components, you will know everything about the characteristics of the computer and at any time you will be able to increase the memory or performance of the computer. Not all sellers are honest; there are also those who are ready to pass off a single-core computer as a dual-core one and hide some of the computer’s shortcomings. Moreover, by purchasing a finished computer, you agree that you will not open it yourself (during the warranty period). This means you won’t be able to make any transformations. Otherwise, you will lose your warranty. Also, if your self-assembled computer breaks down, you will be able to identify and replace the weak link yourself. While a store purchase will need to be taken to a service center and first wait for the diagnostic results, then they will repair it.

We hope that all of the above has overcome your fears, and now you can get down to business. To assemble a computer yourself, you need to have:

  • CPU;
  • Motherboard;
  • Case with power supply;
  • CPU cooler;
  • Video card;
  • HDD;
  • RAM;
  • Drive.
  • Phillips screwdriver.

And not just have all of the above in stock, but also try to ensure that all the components fit together.

So, the first question that needs to be resolved right now is: “What do you need a computer for?”

For all users, the computer performs different tasks: some play all day long, some work on the Internet, some work with 3D programs based on the specifics of their specialty, etc. Naturally, they all need computers with different capabilities. Let's try to figure it out.

The following computer components are suitable for solving simple tasks: a 512 MB video card, two 2 GB DDR-1333 RAM modules, a 512 GB hard drive (7200 rpm, 16 MB cache buffer), an Intel Pentium G620 or AMD processor Athlon II x3 440, H61 Express motherboard for Intel or AMD 770 processor for Athlon, 400 W power supply. Price about $400.

Components for a mid-priced computer: two 2GB RAM modules of DDR 1600 type, 512MB video card (for example, GeForce GTS 450 512Mb), 1TB hard drive (7200 rpm, 16MB cache buffer), Intel Core processor i3 2100 or AMD Phenom II x4 955, Z68 motherboard for Intel processor or AMD 870 for Phenom, 450 W power supply. Price about $600. The result will be a computer capable of performing many tasks, including supporting a bunch of modern games.

To solve problems that require enormous resources, the following components are required: two 4GB RAM modules of DDR-1866 type, a 1GB video card (for example, GeForce GTX 560Ti), a 60GB SSD hard drive + 2TB 7200 rpm, a 16MB cache buffer , Intel Core i5 2500K processor or AMD Phenom II x4 965, Z68 motherboard for Intel processor or AMD 990FX for Phenom, 550 W power supply. Price about $1200.

Have you decided on the purpose of your computer? It's time to choose a case with a power supply.

The case can be selected according to several parameters: size, material, ease of installation.

It is recommended to purchase aluminum cases, which are distinguished by their lightness and thermal conductivity. In addition, steel cases have appeared, which have advantages over aluminum cases in resistance to deformation.

The range of housings on the market is very wide. There are surprisingly compact Barebone cases, medium-sized MiniTowers, MidiTowers and huge BigTowers.

Surprisingly compact Barebone cases are suitable for lovers of minimalism. Barebone also has the advantage that it comes with the motherboard, graphics card, and processor included. All you have to do is install RAM and a hard drive. It is important that the assembled computer in the Barebone case operates almost silently.

It is not recommended to buy medium-sized MiniTower cases, since the ventilation system in them leaves much to be desired. And some components are generally difficult to find, since they simply do not fit into the case. But, for example, MiniTower is perfect for office use.

MidiTower cases are the most common. They have a good ventilation system and ease of installation.

The largest BigTower cases for the most powerful computers.

It happens that cases are not equipped with a power supply and you need to select and install it yourself.

Selecting and installing the power supply

There is no need to skimp on the power supply. Since the stability of your finished computer depends on it. It is recommended to buy a power supply at an average price of 1,500 rubles. When purchasing, pay attention to the weight of the device. The power supply must be heavy. If it is light, it most likely has a poor cooling system. Next you need to decide on the power of the power supply.

Computers designed for gaming and working with 3D graphics require a power supply power of 500,550,600 W. A case with a similar power supply will cost you $50 or more.

Computers designed to run office applications and surf the Internet do not require such a lot of power. You can get by with a power supply with a power of 400.450 W. A case with this power supply will cost you $30 or more.

The required power of the power supply can also be calculated. Link to power supply power calculator

To do this, simply follow the link, select the components of your computer and their quantity from the drop-down lists. Then click the "Calculate" button. The calculator will display the power value with a small margin (30%). All that remains is to choose a power supply with a power close to the calculated one.

The power supply is usually located in the upper rear corner of the case. To install it, you simply need to screw the unit to the rear wall of the case.

Now the case with the power supply has been selected and now it’s time to select and install

The processor, RAM, and input/output controllers are installed on the motherboard. The motherboard coordinates the operation of these components.

The picture shows the motherboard. 1-power supply for the processor, 2-socket for the processor, 3-north bridge, 4-PCI-EXPRESS connector for video card, 5-PCI connector for expansion cards, 6-slots for RAM, 7-connector for power connection, 8- IDE connectors for hard drives and optical drives, 9 - south bridge, 10 - SATA connectors for hard drives and optical drives, 11 - USB connectors.

  • The south bridge is responsible for supporting the optical drive, hard drive, audio adapter, etc.
  • The north bridge is needed to control the video card and RAM.

When choosing a motherboard, you should consider the number of memory slots for the possibility of subsequent upgrades.

Let's start installing the motherboard:

  • We unscrew the front cover of the system unit and take a closer look at where to place the motherboard;
  • We get rid of the plug on the case. We replace it with the plug that comes with the motherboard;
  • We screw the bolts into the system unit, into the places where the motherboard is supposed to be attached (the bolts usually come with the case);

  • We insert the motherboard, tighten the screws;

  • Connect power to the motherboard. We connect the four-pin power connector from the system unit to the ATX_12V connector of the motherboard. We connect the twenty-four-pin power connector from the system unit to the ATX motherboard connector.

  • We connect the case wires PWR-LED, PWR-SW, RESET-SW, SPEAKER, HDD-LED to the F_PANEL connector to turn on, reboot, and diagnose computer malfunctions, respectively.
  1. HDD-LED– a red diode on the front side of the case (the color scheme for marking wires is mainly used, red-white)
  2. PWR-LED– green diode, network indicator (green-white)
  3. PWR-SW– on/off button (orange-white)
  4. RESET-SW– the PC reset button (black-white) has reverse polarity.
  5. SPEAKER– system speaker (red-white, often yellow-white)

We connect the white wire to the minus, the colored wire to the plus. Read the instructions for the motherboard. The boards are different - the connection of these wires is also different.

If you still do not understand what we are talking about and think that you simply cannot cope with these tasks, then I would recommend that you call a computer repair specialist at home.
With the motherboard installed, it's time to move on to installing the processor.

Processor Installation

The processor performs all the basic calculations in the computer and processes information.

Decide which processor you will install: Intel, AMD and others.

You should also decide on the number of cores. For a home computer, a dual-core processor of average power is suitable. An engineer or designer's processor requires a quad-core processor.

Whatever processor you choose, make sure it is compatible with your motherboard socket. A socket is a place to install a processor on the motherboard. This information can be found on the motherboard box.

For example, Intel processors are compatible with the following sockets: Socket LGA775, Socket LGA1156, Socket LGA1155, Socket LGA1366.

AMD processors are compatible with the following sockets: Socket939, SocketAM3, SocketFM1, SocketAM3 plus, SocketG34.

Almost all modern processors from this company are based on socket 755 (Socket LGA775). The advantage is already noticeable in the absence of legs on the processor. Consequently, the risk of breakdown and careless installation of the processor on the motherboard is minimal.

Let's get on with the installation. To do this, you need to open and lift the socket lever - a metal rod parallel to the slot. Remove the processor from its packaging without touching the bottom. Remove the black protective plate. Install it into the socket. For convenience, there are arrows on the motherboard and on the processor itself; they indicate which side of the processor should be placed in the socket. Make sure the directions of the arrows match.

Close the fastening plate and lower the socket locking lever.

Installing AMD processors

The installation principle is the same. The only difference is that the processor has legs. The yellow arrow on the processor and on the motherboard again simplifies the installation process.

The processor is installed.

Installing a CPU cooler

A cooler is necessary to cool the processor during operation. It is important that the cooler produces as little noise as possible when operating. The operating noise of a good cooler fan should be in the range (20-40) dB. Moreover, in the specification it is necessary to look at the processor power it can cool.

Before proceeding directly to the installation, make sure that the cooler is compatible with the motherboard socket. Some processors are sold complete with a cooler (cooling system).

At the corners of the socket on the motherboard there are four holes for the cooler legs.

But before installing it, make sure there is thermal paste on the cooler (in the picture there is a white spot in the center). The cooler consists of a radiator and a fan. The heatsink touches the processor directly and absorbs heat, while the fan removes heat from the heatsink itself. This cooling scheme requires rapid transfer of heat from the processor to the radiator. For this purpose, thermal paste is applied to the radiator. It provides a tight connection between the heatsink and the processor and has good thermal conductivity. If there is no thermal paste, you need to apply it in a very thin layer of 1mm.

Install the four cooler legs into the holes on the motherboard. Press the legs one by one until you hear a characteristic click. Make sure the cooler is securely fastened. This will be indicated by the switch. If the switch is in the closed position, the leg is securely fastened; in the open position, it is not fastened. Connect the wire to the CPU_FAN connector.

That's it, the cooler installation is complete.

Let's move on to installing RAM

RAM is rewritable memory. Program and application data is temporarily stored there.

The connector slot on the motherboard must match the type of RAM module (DDR, DDR2, DDR3). To increase the performance and speed of the computer, it is recommended to install two RAM modules. It is worth remembering that in this case the module manufacturer must be the same. And in terms of characteristics they should be the same. The bandwidth of the motherboard, processor and memory module must match.

The clock frequency of the RAM module must be commensurate with the frequency of the system bus of the motherboard. Even if the module frequency is higher than the bus frequency, the actual memory frequency will still be equal to the bus frequency.

Let's proceed directly to the installation. Push the latches to the sides on the motherboard slot:

Place the memory in the slot. Apply gentle pressure along the edges until the latches click into place.

The slot on the motherboard has a partition that corresponds to a notch on the memory module. It is impossible to make a mistake with the installation.

Installing a video card

A video card is needed to convert the data array into an image displayed on the screen. Moreover, modern video cards are also needed for processing and storing graphic data. The speed and quality of the output image depends on the parameters of the video card. This is very important when gaming or video processing.

The power of the video card should match or be slightly less than the power of the power supply.

The video card is inserted into the PCI Express 16x slot (under the processor). Install and press until it clicks.

The “skeleton” of the computer has been assembled.

Installing a hard drive

The hard drive stores the operating system, user information, and programs.

The hard drive and motherboard connectors must match. For example, Serial SATA 6Gb/s. The throughput of a hard drive with a Serial SATA 6Gb/s connector is 6Gb/s.

  1. Connect the SerialATA cable to the motherboard's SATA connector.
  2. We connect the SATA adapter to the hard drive, then connect the Molex power cable from the power supply to the adapter.

The hard drive installation is complete. Let's move on to installing the optical drive.

An optical drive is a device for reading information from disks or writing information to disks. The following types of drives are currently sold on the market: CD-ROM, CD-RW, DVD-ROM, DVD-RW and Blu-Ray.

  • The CD-ROM drive is designed for reading CDs only.
  • A CD-RW drive allows you to both read and write to a CD.
  • The DVD-ROM drive is designed for reading CDs and DVDs.
  • The DVD-RW drive allows you to read information from CDs and DVDs and write information to CDs and DVDs.
  • Blu-Ray drives are designed for large-capacity discs. Such disks, and the drives themselves, cost a lot of money.

It is preferable to choose a DVD-RW drive so as not to limit yourself in what you can do.

A drive is necessary in a computer, even if you have long switched to flash media. After all, WINDOWS is installed from a disk. In addition, you can free up your computer's memory by dumping the necessary files onto disk for the time being. Download distribution kits for games. And you can just watch a movie.

When choosing an optical drive, pay attention to its speed of reading and writing discs. In order for the drive to read and write to all disks, a speed of 48x is required.

We place the drive in the space provided for it in the power supply case. We fix it with screws to reduce the influence of vibration and noise. Connect power to the optical drive. Next, we connect the drive directly to the motherboard with a cable.

Closing the housing cover

All that remains is to connect the monitor, mouse, keyboard, speakers to the system unit, connect the power cords to the monitor and the system unit.

When you connect your computer to the network for the first time, you should hear a squeak, symbolizing that all components are properly connected. Information about the processor clock speed, amount of RAM, operating modes and storage capacity will appear on the screen. Nothing else can appear, because the WINDOWS operating system has not yet been installed.

If after reading the article you still have questions about how to assemble a computer yourself, the video will explain everything to you in detail:

Now we are assembling a computer ourselves, having overcome all fears and doubts and having figured out why it is more profitable to assemble a computer ourselves. Having previously figured out why each of us needs a computer. We learned how to select components and calculate the required power of the power supply. We figured out the purpose of the computer components. We selected the optimal components in each price category. And let the computer you assembled with your own hands be a useful assistant at work or at home.

Hello, my dear readers!

During the rapid development of computer technology, it is very difficult to imagine your life without a PC. And if you don’t yet have a laptop, netbook, or personal computer, then you are definitely thinking about such a purchase.

What could be simpler: go and buy?! But purchasing a computer in parts and assembling it from components yourself is much cheaper, and you can choose the characteristics as you wish.

Before you assemble your computer from scratch with your own hands, find out how much a standard set of parts costs in a store. Actually, I used the online service to check the compatibility of elements of the future PC http://www.edelws.ru/constructor/. This is very convenient, since without special computer knowledge it is very difficult to select the hardware yourself. In addition, the components here are cheap.


There's no need to choose much here. This element has absolutely no effect on the operating process of the device. You should buy a case based on comfort. It is desirable that it be possible to install a USB port on the front side of the box, a disk drive and various panels on the rear wall (TV tuner, etc.).

The material doesn't matter either.

Dimensions may be an important aspect.

There are two main factors that play a role here: the number of slots for RAM sticks and cooling. If you just want to work on the computer and nothing else, then 2 slots for brackets are quite enough and cooling does not play a particularly important role.

But, if you are an avid gamer, then you should have the option of installing RAM from 8 GB or more, and for this you already need 4 slots. Naturally, for such power there must be a good and reliable cooler for cooling. So when choosing a motherboard, pay attention to the size of the stock fan. It seems like a small thing, but it is important.

power unit

The most popular option is a 500W power supply. Its power is quite enough to connect any peripheral device without autonomous power supply. In addition, such a unit is able to withstand voltage surges without harm to the computer.

The power supply must also fit the case you choose (for reliable fastening).

All memory modules are divided into 2 types: DDR2 (for desktop computers) and DDR3 (for laptops, netbooks and all-in-one PCs). The number of installed brackets directly depends on the motherboard you choose (discussed above). They are installed extremely simply, like a flash drive in a phone: press until it clicks.

When purchasing RAM, you should pay attention to the cut of the copper contacts of the strip, since they are all different in their design, that is, only a certain group of memory modules corresponds to each motherboard.

Choosing this part is very simple: the larger the volume, the better.

This is a very important detail for any gamer. It is the graphics memory that can provide high-quality images. Among the large number of video cards, the most commonly used are Nvidia G-Force, AMD ATI Radeon (for video games) and Intel ® Graphics HD (for work and office programs).

Intel ® Graphics HD is not a very powerful graphics card, but most stock laptops come with it. Naturally, a gaming computer also copes well with office work, but it costs more.

The type of connector for connecting a video adapter is different, so the graphics chipset must be selected according to the main circuit.

Nowadays the selection of such computer parts is simply incredible, so there will be no problems with the search. Cooling is also important for a video card. Regular office adapters do not have a cooler, there is only a large aluminum radiator that provides cooling. More powerful cards are equipped with one or even two fans for more reliable cooling.

There is no point in hiding the fact that the graphics chipset is the most expensive part in a computer, since most of the functions of a PC or laptop are available thanks to this particular adapter. Needless to say, most of even the oldest video games will not run on a stock graphics memory unit! If you need a budget work computer, then a discrete graphics card should be enough for you.

Processor (CPU)

Most motherboards already come with a processor installed. But, if you know how to install it yourself, then you can take an empty main board and select the CPU yourself.

Now the most popular central processors are i3, i5, i7 devices. The most expensive, the last respectively. There is absolutely no point in buying the first options, since they are already considered outdated.

The above processors from Intel operate at maximum frequencies, which allows you to enjoy the work process of your computer or video game with great pleasure. But be aware: installing a CPU is not as simple a process as it might seem, so if you don't have even the most basic understanding of PC hardware, then buy the main board with the CPU already installed.

There is no need to select this part for a long time; all contacts are absolutely the same on any processor.

Hard disk (HDD, Hard drive or hard drive)

This computer part also has absolutely no significance in terms of device performance. The hard drive is only responsible for storing files, software and the computer's OS. All new generation hard drives have exactly the same connection principle (SATA II), the only difference is in their purpose (PC or laptop).

If you want to store fairly large volumes of files, but don't want to throw away large sums of money, then 500 GB will be enough for you. All knowledgeable people choose Hard drives from Samsung, since these drives are highly reliable and have good throughput.

Sound card

This is a small board that connects to the motherboard and is output to the back of the box. It contains inputs for headphones, speaker system and microphone. Even the age of the sound card does not matter: they are all structurally the same. Choose what is cheaper.

A couple more nuances

In principle, there is no need to install a floppy drive or optical drive, since they are already a thing of history. External hard drives and flash drives have completely displaced them from the world of computer technology. But, if you prefer to store information (photos, movies, music, etc.) on DVDs the old-fashioned way, then make sure you have a drive on your PC.

After reading the article, you learned how to assemble your own computer from components yourself. This way you can save up to 10%-15% of the cost of the long-awaited computer. If you want to understand hardware better and more deeply, I advise you to take a training course “ Computer genius”.

I wish you everything succeeds! Tell your friends and acquaintances about your intentions on social networks by sharing a link to this article. Don't forget to subscribe to blog updates - this is an opportunity to get a lot of useful information about your PC. See you!

Sincerely! Abdullin Ruslan

Many people ask: how to build your own computer? Most don't want assemble the system unit yourself. It is believed that this is a rather complicated procedure and it is not so easy to cope with the assembly yourself. Without assembly experience this is of course not easy, but still possible.

What is the advantage DIY computer assembly? Firstly, such a computer will cost less than one bought in a store. Secondly, the system unit will be assembled taking into account your requirements, and during assembly you will find out what the computer consists of, etc.

The first step is to determine the configuration of the future system unit - home or office, gaming or just a multimedia center, or even some kind of highly specialized computer. The choice of components for assembling the computer will depend on the class of the computer.

Worker computer for office does not require a gaming video card and huge amounts of RAM, but for gaming computer You can’t do without a powerful video card and a lot of RAM. Multimedia center needs a good large-capacity hard drive, or even better, if there are several of them, as well as a high-quality sound card and an average video card with the ability to connect a TV with an HDMI cable.

In any case, it begins with defining the tasks and purposes that this computer will perform. Once you have decided on the type of system unit, it’s time to make a list of components for the system unit:

  • Processor and cooler with radiator
  • Motherboard
  • RAM
  • Video card
  • HDD hard drive
  • Frame
  • power unit
  • DVD drive

You probably already noticed that there is no sound card in the list; the fact is that modern motherboards are equipped with a built-in sound card, network card, and other modules. Which 10-15 years ago were separate devices. If you need high quality sound, then you cannot do without a high-quality sound card. Especially if you need support for multi-channel audio.

We recommend choosing components with processor, since only certain motherboards are suitable for different types of processors. The socket in the motherboard where the processor is installed is called a socket, so the choice of processor affects the choice of motherboard. In addition, be sure to check whether the selected motherboard supports this processor core.

Cooler with radiator is also selected according to the type of processor socket, taking into account power consumption and the need for subsequent overclocking. If you do not plan to overclock, then the box version will suffice. Otherwise, we recommend not skimping on a cooler and choosing one with a copper core in the radiator and a fan with speed control.

Planks random access memory You need to buy those that are supported by the motherboard and its maximum frequency. Those. If the motherboard supports DDR3 memory with a maximum frequency of 2000 MHz, then there is no point in buying DDR3 memory sticks with a frequency of 2400 MHz, since they will still operate at a maximum frequency of 2000 MHz.

Choosing video card, Pay attention to the video memory bus width, the amount of built-in memory, and then the frequencies of the video core and video memory. In modern computers. The video card is installed in the PCI-Express (PCIe) slot. Currently the bus width is as follows:

  • 32 and 64 bit - video card for an office computer, similar to the built-in video card.
  • 128 bit is a video card for a home system unit, but is rather weak for modern games.
  • 192 and 256 bit - video card for a gaming computer.
  • 384 and 512 bit - gaming video cards of the GeForce GTX760 and ATI Radeon R9 290X level will allow you to play modern games without lags.

Choose frame The computer needs to take into account the form factor of the motherboard and the size of its other components, such as the video card. A situation may well arise that the video card simply won’t fit inside, since modern gaming video cards are quite large. In addition, it is worth considering the number of hard drives and DVD drives installed in the future.

HDD or a hard drive should be chosen first for reliability, durable operation and speed. If finances allow, buy a small SSD disk for installing the operating system and a regular magnetic HDD drive for storing personal data: photos, videos, music, etc. Thanks to the use of SSD disks, you will not only increase the speed of your computer several times and reduce noise, published during the work process.

Choose DVD drive It’s better to rely on reliability and purchase trusted manufacturers: LG, NEC, Samsung, etc.

Before the purchase power supply it is necessary to determine what maximum power the system unit will consume. The main consumers are the computer's processor and video card. After approximately calculating the power, we recommend increasing the obtained value by 20-30% so that the power supply does not operate at peak loads. This way you will significantly increase its service life.

That's probably all you need to buy to assemble a computer yourself.

For the right computer assembly You can use our ITcom service center in Kharkov. Our specialists will not only help you choose compatible and reliable components, but will also tell you where it’s best to buy them.