What is the difference between a tablet and an iPad? What is the difference between a tablet and an iPad - five key points.

04.09.2014 17:23:00

In one of the articles we looked at the question of how to transfer contacts from a phone to a PC.

If the processor can easily be compared to the brain of a gadget, then the operating system is, of course, the soul of your device. It is this that determines the user’s perception of the gadget, ease of control and possibilities for its individualization. When comparing two models with absolutely identical technical characteristics, which tablet is better is easy to choose based on the capabilities of the operating system. In our article we will talk about the most popular operating systems today, determine what is better than an iPad or an Android tablet, or maybe the future is Windows 8?

Which is better, an iPad or an Android tablet?

It is known that the iPad is the first mass-produced tablet, the success of which largely determined the development of the entire market. For many years, the iOS operating system was the clear leader, until in 2012 it lost the palm to Android. iOS has a lot of advantages, including convenient and intuitive controls, stable operation, a large number of applications in the AppStore, but one cannot fail to note a number of significant disadvantages over Android and Windows:

  • completely closed program code;
  • closed file system;
  • lack of support for memory cards of any format;
  • inability to correctly display a number of formats in the browser;
  • high prices both for the devices themselves and for applications.

All these shortcomings could easily be forgiven for the clear leader, but in a competitive environment, sales of iOS devices began to fall. And yet, what is better than an Android tablet or an iPad and what functions do they perform? The popular gadget Flylife Connect 10.1 3G 2 from the British company Fly is in no way inferior to the flagship tablet from Apple, and even runs on Android!

A fast quad-core processor, a gorgeous 10.1-inch TFT display, two excellent cameras with FullHD video recording, an excellent 7000 mAh battery, 8 gigabytes of internal memory and the ability to add another 32 with a microSD card. Yes, this tablet computer deserves your attention! You can buy such a gadget at an incredibly low price for devices of this class - 7990 rubles!

There is also a compact version of the flagship tablet in the Fly line - this is Flylife Connect 7.85 3G 2, the embodiment of functionality, comfort and a bright, memorable design. Technically, the tablet is in no way inferior to its “big brother”; it runs on Android 4.2.2, is included in the rating of budget tablets and can be purchased inexpensively – 4990 rubles. A 5-megapixel camera with auto zoom and FullHD video will appeal to those who like to capture every moment of their life.

Other Fly smartphones
On our website you can find a catalog with other Fly smartphones on Android.

Which tablet is better Android or Windows?

Microsoft's desire to gain a foothold in the software market for mobile devices makes the question of which tablet is better on Android or Windows very relevant. Objectively speaking, it’s not so easy to say which tablet is better than Android or Windows, because not many devices are produced on Windows yet.

On the other hand, look at Flylife Connect 7.00 3G 2 - one of the most affordable 3G tablets today at a price of 2990 rubles! The capabilities of Android 4.2.2, combined with the power of a dual-core processor, guarantee stable and fast operation of any application and the absence of unpleasant crashes and freezes. The compact device will also please you with its lightness and ergonomics - it will easily fit into your bag and will not let your hands get tired from working with it.

It is obvious that Android is much more convenient, clearer and faster, and we should not forget that the system is well known to most users, thanks to its unlimited reign in the world of smartphones. Numerous reviews on the topic of which tablet is better to buy also do not note any significant advantages for Windows over Android, although it is possible that these two systems will compete with each other in the near future.

If you are interested, you can read the article about.

Apple has released so many devices that many are starting to get confused. Most often, people do not know the difference between an iPad and an iPod.

In principle, it is not surprising, because only one letter changes, but in essence, the devices are completely different and we will talk about them in detail today.

What are iPads and iPods?

iPad is a tablet that was developed by Apple and it is produced and updated to this day. At the moment, the best on the tablet market.

The first device was released in 2010 and the company managed to quickly win the hearts of customers. Build quality and speed of operation were the main advantages.

iPod is a series of multimedia devices whose main task is simply to reproduce high-quality music. Although some have the opportunity to play games, watch movies, etc.

The very first iPod appeared in 2001 and its main purpose was to play music. The sound quality was very high, so the market was conquered very quickly.

This is, if we talk about these two gadgets very, very briefly. But let's compare them a little and find out the main differences to make the overall picture clearer.

Difference between iPod and iPad

I think you already understand that the iPad and iPod are completely different devices. But for the sake of interest, you can compare the general facts about them a little. It will be very interesting.

Appearance. All the devices are very beautiful and usually the colors changed with the advent of new colors in the series of gadgets.

The sizes differ very radically, because the smallest iPod shuffle can fit in your hand and you can even close it, which cannot be said about huge tablets.

By purchasing any of the devices, you can get maximum pleasure from use. After all, Apple always does everything gracefully and to a minimum.

Screens. It's quite interesting here, because there are iPods that don't even have a screen, and the maximum size is 4 inches and it has the latest generation iPod touch.

All iPad models simply must have screens, because this is a completely different type of device. The minimum size is 7.9 and the maximum is 12.9 inches.

All displays have evolved as technology has advanced and are usually some of the coolest screens on the market. So to speak, at the top of the list.

Updateability and relevance. With the advent of such a device as the iPhone, everything began to change dramatically on the gadget market.

Everyone realized that it is much easier to buy one device and perform absolutely all tasks on it. Thanks to the large screen size, you can watch movies and read books, and music is played simply at its best.

The iPod has already begun to sag a long time ago and is bought only when necessary: ​​for training or for those who like to have a player and a phone separately. Updated very rarely.

With the iPad the situation is a little better and it is updated quite often, probably every model about a year. But nevertheless, the popularity is also not very top-notch.

People most often buy a tablet for home use. And then, in fact, you can do without it when you have an iPhone 6S PLUS or iPhone 7 PLUS.


Now you know the main differences between iPad and iPod in general. I did not compare their characteristics, because the categories of devices differ very much.

All gadgets are very cool, but before you buy, you should decide on the most important question: “Do you need it?” So that it doesn’t turn out that you just threw money away.

Technologies are developing rapidly, and every day new and more advanced devices appear to help us in our daily lives. The huge variety of devices confuses a person when choosing a device for himself. Let's talk about compact devices that you can take with you every day. When it comes to iPad and tablet, many will say that they are no different and they are 2 identical devices, but no! These are very different devices that have a lot of differences and similarities. What are the differences and similarities between a tablet and an iPad? First, let's figure out what a tablet is and what an iPad is.

What is an iPad?

First, let's find out what an iPad is. iPad is a tablet computer developed and invented by Apple. The iPad is not only used by ordinary people, the iPad is now used to store and record medical data in medical institutions, as it is used by architects, musicians and many others. The company develops the design, hardware, screen, selects materials for the case and, most importantly, a proprietary OS.

Surely everyone knows that all Apple products run on the iOS operating system, which is only available in Apple products. This system allows the user to create an ecosystem between all the Apple devices that the owner has, which, of course, is very convenient.

What is a tablet?

A tablet is a device designed primarily for surfing the Internet, watching movies and photos. Tablets can run on different systems, ranging from Android and ending with full-fledged Windows. Tablets are developed by many companies, such as Samsung, Acer, LG, Sony, Microsoft and so on. Tablets on Android or Windows are suitable for simple tasks at most, because they have poor application optimization and their number is much smaller than on the iPad.

For now, you can make sure that the iPad and the tablet are very similar and do not have such strong differences, let's dig deeper and find out absolutely all the similarities and differences between the iPad and the tablet.

What are the similarities between an iPad and a tablet?

Firstly, this is, of course, same purpose. Both the tablet and the iPad are designed for surfing the Internet or simply surfing it, watching movies and photos. You can also work with videos and photos in special applications; on a large screen the convenience increases significantly. However, iOS provides more opportunities in the professional field, thanks to a large number of applications and their good optimization by the developer.

Secondly, no matter how hard manufacturers try to create a unique design, Externally, the tablet and iPad are very similar: rectangular shape, buttons on the ends, similar body shapes. Of course, all tablets are different, however, each has some unique design features.

Thirdly, they have application stores where you can download many games and applications for working with photos, videos, surfing the Internet and much more. Although the stores are different, they are practically the same; the only differences that distinguish them are their design and the presence or absence of any applications and games.

These are the similarities, but how are they different?

Firstly, this operating system, tablets work on different systems, while the iPad is released only with the IOS system. This system is exclusive, it cannot be installed on another tablet, since it is closed and available only to owners of Apple equipment. This closedness allows the user to create an ecosystem between their Apple devices; of course, Windows and Android also have a certain ecosystem, but Apple has implemented this much better and continues to develop it.

Secondly, tablets on Android and Windows, although they have their own application stores identical to the Apple store, however, there are fewer applications and games there and their quality is lower, because before the application gets into the AppStore (Apple application store), it undergoes a strict check by a moderator and is carefully checked for the presence of malicious code and viruses. Any application can get into the application stores on Android and the user is not protected from viruses until he downloads an antivirus, but even this cannot completely protect the device, since viruses also develop.

Thirdly, the iPad uses a proprietary charger connector - lightning. While all manufacturers supply a standard micro-USB, Apple uses its own, which, of course, causes some inconvenience.

Fourthly, since iPads have their own system, it works better because it is well optimized for the hardware it contains, so Apple support for older devices lasts 3-4 years. Even despite the weak hardware, the iPad supports many applications for a long time thanks to optimization.

These are all the differences and similarities between these devices, although they are very similar in appearance, they have differences that may affect the further choice of device. I hope this article helped you understand the differences and similarities between the tablet and the iPad.

All of us have probably heard at least once about such a high-tech gadget as the iPad from Apple. Another thing is that if you are far from the world of high-tech, then you can hardly tell much about this device, since you have long been asking the question - what is the difference between an ordinary Android tablet and a branded iPad? In a nutshell, by and large there is no difference, because the iPad is the same tablet. But if you just go a little deeper into the details (and that’s what we’ll do now), you can discover a decent number of features that quite allow the iPad to be considered a unique device.


Let's start with the appearance. Thanks to the thoughtful decisions of designers working for the giant of the modern industry - Apple, today a real iPad can be seen from afar. All thanks to the fact that this tablet is equipped with a thin silver aluminum body, which not only looks elegant, but also provides the device with very good durability. The back wall of the case is decorated with the legendary company logo – a bitten apple. This laptop computer is available in colors: white, black, and gold. If the main thing for you in a tablet is bright and catchy colors, and in general you are for a variety of cases, then you can easily choose a gadget from another manufacturer.

operating system

Next, let's look at the very heart of any laptop computer, namely its operating system. As you know, today only two operating systems have achieved relative distribution and popularity: Android and iOS. Each of them has its own characteristics, but we will specifically focus on the iOS system, and also compare its capabilities with those of other operating systems, since the main difference between the iPad and any other tablet lies precisely in it.

As you know, iOS is a development by Apple. The advantages of iOS include its fairly simple and intuitive controls, which even a person who has never dealt with portable computers before can easily get used to, as well as a huge list of opportunities that open up for iPad owners. Take for example the AppStore application store, created for those who use i-devices. In this application store, you can easily download any game or program you like, without worrying that it will probably not run on your device. With gadgets running Android OS, things are a little different. It may well turn out that, even if you have one of the most powerful tablets, you still won’t be able to run some game just because it conflicts with the OS architecture of your particular model (or an entire line of models). Of all operating systems, iOS stands out for its convenient functionality, a large list of supported programs and games for installation, and, of course, ease of use.


The display parameters (resolution and brightness) of the iPad are at the same level as those of flagship Android devices. Although many people believe that only a brand new iPad can produce such a bright and clear picture. I repeat that we are talking about flagships, and not about Chinese tablets for $100.


In terms of functionality and performance, the iPad, although it shows excellent results, is still slightly inferior to Android devices. Here, for example, you cannot connect an SD card to expand the device’s memory, as owners of Android devices often do, but you have to be content with the original amount of memory. In addition, you won’t be able to directly transfer information from your computer to your iPad—you need to use iTunes. And simply transferring files from one mobile device to another will not work.

Another disadvantage is the lack of support for a flash player, which makes watching movies online a serious problem. But the iPad also has enough advantages. The most significant of them are the complete absence of viruses that are simply not supported, frequent updates to the operating system and, of course, stable operation of applications, which not every Android device can guarantee.


The last and, for many, decisive difference between the iPad and a regular tablet is its cost. If you are ready to pay from 12 to 30 thousand rubles for all the above-mentioned delights, then the iPad will become your faithful assistant. If not, then Android-based devices are at your service, the average price for which starts from 3 thousand rubles.

Video comparison of iOS and Android tablets

The confrontation between Android and iOS exists not only in the smartphone market, but also in the tablet market. The only representative from Apple is the iPad, and it deals with several different models available on Android. We've found several reasons why buying an Android tablet makes more sense. We hope they will help you decide.

A large assortment

It's no secret that there are simply an unreal number of manufacturers of Android tablets, which gives users a huge choice, while models from Apple can be counted on one hand. When purchasing an Android tablet, there are many more options to choose from, such as case materials, design, various characteristics, a set of pre-installed software, etc. In addition, we have a considerable variation in terms of dimensions. On the market you can find models from 7 to 12 inches.

Thus, a large assortment is one of the reasons why you should take a closer look at an Android tablet, since everyone can find a model to their liking. With an iPad, you won't be able to appreciate the variety of tablets that are certainly available in Google OS products.

Wide price range

As for the cost, there are models on Android for almost any wallet, starting from 2000-3000 rubles. and ending with 30,000 rubles. and higher. Thus, anyone can afford a tablet, which cannot be said about the adherents of the Apple company. Although the prices for the iPad correspond to the quality, not everyone can afford it. Considering that the saving factor is always important, you are guaranteed to be able to find a suitable model on Android.

It is also worth noting that when choosing an Android tablet, you only pay for those functions that you will actually use. That is, if you are not going to perform complex tasks that require large resources, or play demanding games, but only use the device to navigate the Internet, then there is no need to overpay for the latest hardware. You can choose a tablet from the mid-price category that will fully meet your expectations and meet your requirements. iPad users are required to pay for everything at once, even for functionality that they may never use.

Freedom in terms of software

Speaking about the large assortment and price range, one cannot ignore such an important aspect of the Android operating system as a whole, such as freedom in terms of software. You can easily expand your user experience, for example, change the appearance of your desktop using the launcher () , add useful widgets, change icons, animations, menus and much more that is not available to iOS users. Thus, we are once again faced with restrictions from the Cupertino company.

Among other things, many manufacturing companies create their own software that expands the capabilities of the tablet and brings new features to it. In other words, there are not only some differences in cosmetic terms, but also more significant changes. Typically, many companies add their own energy saving modes, multitasking, for example, or various gestures.

Overall, for users who like to personalize and customize everything, an Android tablet is a great option. Add to this full control over the system in the form of root rights (yes, iOS has a jailbreak, but even that has its limitations) and even access performance-related options. You can increase the processor power in resource-intensive applications or, conversely, limit its operation in case of saving battery power. Of course, this kind of feature is not available on the iPad.

Android is a tablet for everyone

The final argument may be the audience. For example, for the youngest users it will be preferable to purchase some inexpensive Android tablet. The Play Store has specially designed apps for children (coloring books, puzzles, drawing programs, games and much more), which can perform for both educational and entertainment purposes.

In addition, a filter was announced for searching the store depending on the user's age, as well as a special section for children, so that adults do not worry about what content is available to their child and allow him to search and install applications himself.


What can we say in the end? If you're happy with a closed operating system where you can only do what the company allows; if it’s not a problem for you that most good applications will be paid; If you don’t see the benefits of freedom of choice between models and prices, then it’s better to stick with the iPad.

If you want a tablet that will not limit you in anything and will give you complete freedom of action; which will correspond to your financial capabilities; which children can easily use without your concerns about safety, then you should choose the Android option.